Background of the Essay
The essay ‘How It Feels To Be Colored Me’ was written in 1928 by an American writer and anthropologist Zora Neale Hurston. It aims at highlighting the life of Afro-American black women in the 1920s. The skopos of the essay is not merely a black audience but also white men living in America. This way she shares her experience of being black and treated prejudice.
Financially Hurston was quite wealthy and lived a prosperous life because of her father’s high rank in the society. Most of her years were spent with Black people where she was treated respectfully because of her socially elite status.
After her mother’s death, she was forced to live in the White community. Here she received some cultural, emotional and racial shocks. She was not welcomed here and this motivated her to write the essay ‘How it feels to be colored me’. She has expressed her experiences, emotions and viewpoints in the form of metaphoric or literary language. She has used anecdotes, imagery and other figurative devices. As an anthropologist, she has shown grip on societal trends, norms and discourse. As an active supporter of the Black community, she also participated in Harlem Renaissance.
How It Feels To Be Colored Me Summary
The essay opens by explaining the word ‘colored’ or Afro-American. The author calls herself unique among others and makes no excuse to hide her racial identity. She is determined not to exchange her black identity with Native American whiteness just like other people of her race. She reminds the day of her life when she is made to feel colored. Before then she grew within a black community in a village of Eatonville, Florida.
Everyone around her was black like her and only white people she had encountered were those passersby to Orlando. Local townspeople usually rode horses and tourists from the Northern area used cars very often. And the residents of Eatonville did not bother white people who came from the Southern area and they kept on doing whatever they were i.e. chewing cane. But they were very much concerned with people coming from the North. They came out on the porch of their houses to watch them.
It was Hurston who boldly went farther and sat outside the house near the gatepost to speak with passers-by. She usually used to say “Howdy-do-well-I-thank-you-where-you-goin’?” If any of them stopped, she walked with him a bit farther in the street. Here Hurston writes, if any of her family members noticed what she was doing, she would surely be stopped from doing that. But she couldn’t stop greeting white tourists and being the first to welcome them.
Hurston mentioned in the essay, at that time, she was aware of the only difference between white and black and that was white people do not live in their town and they paid her for singing, dancing and reciting. It was an amazing thing for her because she was not paid for these activities in her town. Only white people used to do it to her. Even her family disliked her performances yet they proclaimed her as “their Zora … everybody’s Zora.”
Life was plain until she reached the age of 13. Due to family issues, she was sent to a boarding school in Jacksonville, Florida. As she left the town, she was no more Zora but a little colored girl.
From this point forward, Hurston describes the present view where she is being discriminated against because of her skin color. But she rejects this negativity that nature has made a dirty deal with negroes. Though she has to face hard times but her determination regardless of any race and color lets her not get upset. Instead, she spends her time sharpening knives for oyster.
She protests why everyone reminds her of servitude which is a past event. Both white and black are trying to heal from that incident. It is like feeling a medical patient and recovering gradually from surgery. She wishes to run ahead instead of clinging to the past. Being enslaved was not her choice and she has a world open to gain. Bullying adventures of white people gain her a lot of attention. For her, it was not the black people but the white who are to sympathize. They are trying to get hold of things they already have. It is less fun and adventure than having them in the first place.
Hurston often recalls her time in Eatonville. However, she sometimes finds herself in the backdrop due to her color especially when there is a white person. When she attends college at Barnard, she notices that she is like a rock among the white sea foam covered with sea surge. She is there until the water retreats the surge and lets her visible again.
Hurston also feels her social superiority when a white person leads her to a black people community. She gives an example of her social importance when she went to a music club in Harlem accompanied by her white friend. She describes when the jazz music was played, it affected her whole body and she started swaying and dancing like an animal. Music awakened wilderness in her and she felt like holding a spear and wearing tribal paints. She was joyfully crazy and terribly wished to kill someone.
But the song ended and bewildered feelings left slowly. She then turns towards her white friend who only praises the music without being touched with the emotions that she was gripped in a moment earlier. She realizes a gap between them and “He is so pale with his whiteness then and I am so colored.”
Hurston does not find conflict between her Americanness and Darkness. She considers herself as part of the country. She sees discrimination with surprise and not with rancor.
Besides everything, Hurston compares herself with a sack filled with bits and bobs and that she is just a sack among sacks of various colors. Each sack contains both marvelous and ordinary things from diamond to broken glass pieces. If someone dumps her out in a big pile, there would be many priceless bags. They can be exchanged but stuffing will remain similar. She muses rhetorically that the Great Stuffer (God) might have stuffed them at first place just like that.
How It Feels To Be Colored Me Characters Analysis
Zora Hurston
The author paints herself in the essay as a character and gives an account of different shades of her life. Hurston is proud of her color and race. She feels free to acclaim her Negrotudness. She wears blackness as a badge and analyzes her views. She sets the tone for other Black people to feel proud of themselves.
Enlightened Zora
Zora sprites in a new purified form when she realizes her identity is acceptable in her community and she is treated like a celebrity and worthy of praise. She feels all her pains are being rewarded now. She feels beautiful and ‘Colored’ among white pale people.
Floridian white folks
These are the people of Jacksonville, Florida. When Hurston moved into this place, her neighborhood houses were inhabited with white folk. They did watch her as a scornful object. The environment was filled with tension and hatred. She felt being treated like an animal in a circus who is an object of amusement and to whom they treat down to earth.
Black people
Two groups of the Black community are described in this essay. First one is a socially and financially powerful group that is proud of their tradition and race. She met them in Harlem where best African music sprites up representing Black people emotions. Then there is another sort of black person who wants to adjust himself in the wave of the White folk cultural stream. Hurston criticizes them for hiding their identity and ethnicity. in with the mainstream culture that the White folks create.
Themes in How It Feels To Be Colored Me
Pride in African-American Heritage
Hurston, the anthropologist, opens up her essay, “How It Feels To Be Colored me” with the clear acknowledgement that She is an African American by race. She admits and feels proud to be black and an African American. She says that it does not bother her all. She feels OK with it.
As the essay proceeds, she elaborates, those ways of racism that have informed her erroneously about her identity. In her surroundings, she is called a little Colored girl instead of being a little lass. In her teenage, she does not know that race is such a thing, people care about it. When she moves to Jacksonville, she encounters the harsh truth. As they began to grow in Jacksonville, she was made to feel abashed for her culture, race and heritage. Through her essay, she attempts to overthrow the feelings of guilt and shame that emerge because of blackness.
Judgement and Prejudice
Judgement and prejudice are one of the central thoughts in Hurston’s essay. The strange conflicting energy, present in the essay, defines it. She informs her readers that in her essay she is answering to the unuttered prejudice. She has not written this essay to express her feelings or what her life is like.
Though she, more or less, gives her thoughts to these two subjects, what she actually does, in the essay, is to drag back her readers into the belief system. She made her readers witness that the prejudice against black people emerges from their belief system. She grieves over the fact that white people do not celebrate the white culture. She speaks for the beauty of her culture and heritage. She argues that still white people still despise the black culture. Even today, white people scorn black culture and heritage.
Identity and Race
The author foretells that the white think that black people are preoccupied with the thought they are black and it makes them feel that they are inferior and they are ashamed of their culture and heritage. Being an African American writer, she says that case is not so. The white people have access to power relations and they set everything in society. Through religion, education, morality, economic system and laws, they oppress the black race.
When the missionaries came to their land, they had religion and the native people had wealth. Missionaries taught them how to pray with closed eyes. When they opened their eyes, missionaries got hold of their wealth and the natives had religion. This is how the system of beliefs works. Religion is a tool to use to get targeted goals. The author does not even think about race in her daydreams. She dreams of getting famous. She makes it clear that race is not a significant thing about a person. Those who think it’s an important thing, they are requested to reevaluate their relationship to racism.
Abandonment of Racism
Abandonment of racism is another important theme of Zora’s essay. She emphatically writes in her essay that she does not have any negative feelings about racism. She feels perfectly fine with it. She clearly and simply writes that she doesn’t mind it at all. She rejects negativity with stress because she thinks people believe it exists. It can be her attempt to keep herself positive when the whole world is on the negative side.
Nora’s idea of rejecting racism stretches out to her owl black people. In the very beginning of her essay, she makes fun of those African American who claim that they belong to Indian chiefs. She rather believes that we should feel proud of what we are in fact.
Later on, in her essay, she pokes fun on the sobbing schools of Negrohood who make them feel inferior. Such schools make them able to look down to themselves. In this regard, African Americans need to unlearn what they have been taught at schools. Such statements show that including her own black people, she condemns all those who believe that the African blood can make the people inferior and lowly. Nora Hurston rejects this idea of racism and she believes that Africans are as good as the people of other races.
Denial of Pain
Denial of pain is another significant theme of Hurston’s essay “How it Feels to be Colored me.” She writes down painful historical and personal events in her essay but her focus is on being positive and happy. She does not permit negativity to overcome her. She tells her childhood details in full three passages. In an only paragraph, she talks about her transformation into the little colored girl. She spends more time describing her childhood happiness.
In the passage, where she gives her transformational details, she does not tell exactly what had happened to her. She says that she had found it out in certain ways. Her pains are unexpressed. She permits her readers to imagine the pain she had endured. She delicately passes through and does not pay any heed to those racists who have hurt her. She has had harsh experiences in her life, but she neither names nor describes those racists. Hurston loves to turn the spotlight on herself. She keeps herself in the story and refuses to accept negativity for her.
With great displeasure and annoyance, Hurston discusses slavery. She says, such people are in abundance around her, who continuously reminds her that she is the granddaughter of slaves. But this fails to get her depressed.
Perhaps, she willingly refuses to feel the pangs of slavery because she does not want history to do this to her. Her focus is on life that moves forward. She does not want to rub salt over injuries by peeping back into the harsh past. Again, she keeps her focus on herself. For the sake of civilization, she paid the price of slavery. In this adventure, she paid a huge price for her ancestors. Again the wrongdoers and those who enslaved others are completely absent from her essay.
Celebration of the (black) Self (Negritude)
Celebration of the self is another important theme in Hurston’s essay. Throughout her essay, she has been seen celebrating her black self. She accepts herself as she is in fact. While describing herself, she brings those qualities out, which are considered as flaws by other people.
For example, when she was talking about her childhood, she wanted other’s attention very much, she needed bribing to stop that performance. Her depiction of her childhood age suggests that she was arrogant and attention seeker. She embraces the aspects that other people criticize. She has learnt the art of celebrating herself. She used the word snooty for herself, which has negative associations. She accepts herself with all her flaws.
History and Opportunity
Nora Hurston wrote this essay in the 1920s. At that time, the United States of America was only sixty years away from the Civil War. The age of slavery was going to be ended. This account of experience is no doubt a legacy for African American culture. Hurston does this in her peculiar way.
In her essay, she acknowledges the racial discrimination against African-Americans. By this, she lessens the impact of slavery. Hurston is encouraged by the basic rights of the black race, which they sought by the 1920s. True equality was yet to be won. But whatever African-Americans have gained, was encouraging and strengthening. The way to attain equality is an opportunity for the African-Americans to end their unearned sufferings.
She considers her own time as an epoch of high adventure and celebrated endeavor. She, herself is the central character of all this.
In her essay, Hurston’s thoughts on race are tied up with creative performance. In her early age, she interacted with white people through singing and dancing. This was the time when she became the little colored girl. This interaction permits her to develop her creative performance. In this respect, her essay can be regarded as a story of an artist and it is also an essay about race. She had many shows in different places, which let her polish her performance.
How It Feels To Be Colored Me Literary Analysis
Nora Neale Hurston’s essay, “How It Feels to Be Colored me” is about race. She remains positive throughout her essay when she talks about her African-American identity and heritage. Some of the assumptions about race are unstated as well. These unstated assumptions complicate her claims about her experience as an African-American identity.
Interpretation of Title
Hurston’s essay innately has an unclear title. It is very significant but can easily be overlooked. The use of ‘colored’ in the essay’s title can possibly be interpreted in two different ways. In a first way, if it means how a person feels to be colored, then the readers can take it as a straightforward discussion about the author’s life. In which she is trying to discuss her African-American background. In another way, if the readers take this ‘colored’ as a part of a passive verb phrase, then it is about the views of others about the colored one being.
The second way of interpretation gives the authored image, which is dyed or painted by others. She herself does not have control over it because these are people’s perceptions and views about her. The title is ambiguous and throughout the essay, tension remains. On one side, the author presents herself strong, exuberant and an individual, who stays positive and happy and feels proud about her race, identity and heritage. She also faced racial discrimination and stereotypes but does not reveal.
Acceptance of Racial Identity
In the very first sentence of her essay, she has been seen accepting her racial status. In plain and simple language, she writes that she is a colored girl. It gives a gesture about her race which was thought to be well- mannered about her time. Apart from this clause of three simple words, the remaining sentence is very much complicated. The author denies providing extenuating circumstances. She uses strange and odd diction, which suggest that she might be expecting to apologize for her race and heritage. This strange diction tells other people to think that Hurston takes the race as something bad.
In the very start of her essay, Hurston writes that African- Americans claim that they are the descendants of Native Americans. But the author does not think that way. Even she has been seen making fun of all those African- Americans who think Native Americans as their ancestors. In her view, they attempt to make their connection to America in contrast to those white Americans, who landed there as colonists. According to her, some of the African-Americans have the blood of Native Americans but this is not so for all. She made a bold and unconventional comment. It shows her sharp wit and she seems perfectly OK to criticize her own race.
Biblical Allusion and Cultural & Historical Associations
Hurston calls her Eatonville, Florida a biblical Eden, where an African American child is brought up without the burdens of racism. She uses the metaphor of an audience who is there to see theatrical performances. She describes herself that she is in a proscenium box, which means she is close to the stage in contrast to Eatonville’s simple and timid people who hardly dare to speak to the white people who pass by them.
She witnesses the people there, who were chewing sugarcanes. Chewing sugarcane was a common activity in those days. And those people were found chewing sugarcane, where sugarcane grows in abundance. Moreover, white Americans have an association with those who chew sugarcane. They thought them the uneducated ones. She runs down to such ways of portraying African-Americans in her writings. Her contemporaries were of the view that she is enforcing stereotypes rather to challenge them.
She is willing to displease her reader, in the passages where she writes about slavery. She writes down that she always finds someone who reminds her that she is the granddaughter of slaves. She writes this as this unease is prejudiced and full of annoyance. She does not get bothered by slavery and its history. History does not bother her. Scars of her ancestor do not hurt her. Terrifying past events do not bring sadness to her. She does not allow history to make her feel worried.
Her focus is on herself. Her focus is on the present and future. Her focus is on staying positive. She shrugs off the sufferings and pains of other people and keeps herself focused on herself and her desires. When she writes about slavery, she cites reference to civilization. She allies this to the new American society. Then she compares this to the primitive culture. She also compares it to the imaginative African culture.
Childhood as a True Color
In the days of her childhood, Nora Hurston could not realize that she belongs to the black community. After her childhood, she came to know this when she saw white people looking at them like they were glancing at a zoo. This revealed to her that she is black. Her identity changed when she moved to Jacksonville, where white people were in abundance. At Jacksonville, they called her a little ‘colored’ girl. For this, the little ‘colored’ girl was treated badly harshly.
Before leaving Eatonville, Hurston suggests that she was what she meant to be. In the paragraph about her childhood, she describes herself as a lively, impudent girl with tons of curiosity. She summons herself ‘the first welcome to our state, Floridian. It suggests that it was she who developed the custom of being friendly to all out of state visitors. This statement suggests that Hurston is still lively, witty, impudent, a woman of charming personality, as she used to be in her childhood.
She finds her true self in her childhood self. She finds the real Hurston is her childhood. She feels proud to cherish those childhood days when she stepped outside to meet other people when people were afraid to approach them. She was very friendly to them now she appreciates her boldness. She feels eager to perform before the audience. She was so eager that she needed bribing to stop. She accepts herself with all her ebb and flows. She loves herself.
Hurston’s depiction of her childhood suggests that she was unperturbed by racism. The place, Eatonville, Florida, where she spent her childhood was not free from racial influences. Perhaps, she was too innocent to witness the racial signs before the age of 13. She was unable to recognize the signs. The town of Eatonville was founded by the formerly enslaved people who were suspicious of white visitors. Hurston was untouched by these harsh experiences. It shows that the people of Eatonville had protected their children from the mistreatment and racial abuse at the hands of white men. Hurston skillfully conveys her thoughts that her family members ‘of course’ stopped her from associating herself with the white people, if they ever caught her doing this.
Journey from Nora to a Colored Girl
The word ‘colored’ is central in the text. The title of the essay also carries the same word as it reminds that if Hurston is called the ‘colored’ girl then her own color is very important and is her identity in itself. That’s the reason, it is called, “How It Feels to Be Colored Me” rather than “How It Feels to Be Colored. Hurston, again and again, gives her response to racism. She does not feel angered. She is confused about it. She is at sea to understand why people cannot highly think of racial and ethnic differences for the sake of beauty and heritage.
The author, Hurston, belongs to the African American race. In her essay, she asserts that she was not always “colored.” While discussing her childhood, she let us know that she remembers the day she became “colored.” This declaration suggests, being colored is not to have black skin. It is something different, which comes after social training. So that she was not “colored” when she was born. From the beginning of her essay, she confesses that she became “colored” eventually and she suggests that something bad is going to happen to the innocent, lively girls. This tension stays in the passage of her childhood.
It takes hardly a passage to become “a little colored girl” from Nora Hurston. Hurston was only thirteen when her mother left this world. She does not go into detail. She writes that she was sent away because of some changes in the family. She spells on the tale of her transformation into “a little colored girl.” She describes that she herself got into the riverboat. When she got off from that riverboat, she was someone else. It suggests that she become “colored” in the riverboat. She was someone who could understand that she belonged to the second class of citizens because of their race.
Racial Bullying during Childhood
Hurston does not give details about the happening in the riverboat when she was on her way to Jacksonville. One thing that she made clear was that change or transformation was heartfelt and intense. Now it’s up to her readers to imagine what had happened to her in the boat. She might have experienced something harsh in the riverboat. She might have had molestation, physical attack, sexual assault or racial slurs in the boat. She leaves it to the reader’s imagination to guess what had happened in the riverboat. Very skillfully she moves ahead by saying that, thousands of horrors an African American girl can face while travelling alone.
Nonetheless, her pains of transformation are very much obvious. The harsh experience of becoming “colored” was dehumanizing as well as unmooring. After her transformation, she says, she is no more the Zora of Orange County, now she is the little colored girl. In fact, racism has murdered her identity.
Vernacular Jazz Dance: A Key to Self Realization
Hurston performed dance for others. The people of Eatonville do not approve of her this performing tendency. They refused to pay for her dance performances. But the white men paid for her performances. The people of Eatonville regret her such tendencies. She does not say this at once. They perhaps disapproved of her performing tendencies for a reason. In the past, slaves were forced to perform for their masters.
When Hurston grows up, she dances for white people. She goes to a concert in Harlem. In that concert, she witnessed that African beats were used in rhythmic ways. Later on, these beats provided the foundations to the genres; rap, funk and hip-hop. She is fascinated by these rhythms. Hurston understands those beats wholeheartedly because they were the beats of her heritage. But Hurston’s white friends were unable to see this beauty. They could not appreciate it or were not willing to appreciate it. Her white friends merely get entertained by it as it was something manmade to get amused or pleased. But music and its rhythms symbolize human pains and pangs.
In this section, she uses the final metaphor, in which her skin of the body is equated with the dyed fabric. About her color she writes, in her own heart and mirror, she is fast brown, which means her color is fixed and stable. It cannot be changed. This dyed-fabric skin is so fixed that it cannot be rubbed off or run out of the wash.
Transformation from Zora to Cosmic Zora
In her adulthood, she loves her colored self. She, again and again, expresses her thought that she does not see this blackness of the skin like a bad thing. She writes that she is not tragically colored which suggests her acceptance for herself. She neither minds it nor permits it, making her soul gloomy. From a different angle, she conveys this thought. Perhaps society wants her to take it as something negative but she does not.
Hurston disdains the members of the sobbing schools of Negrohood who believed that nature has given this lowdown and they are meant to be inferiors. It is not without interest, many African Americans blame nature instead of society. She is not prepared to blame nature in that way. Even, she makes association with primitive culture, she does not disdain it. She accepts it and writes, primitive culture is desirable.
Hurston writes those who succeed in this world, they do regardless of their race and the color of their skins. They are made to succeed. She makes it clear that she considers herself as a strong one. She does not cry at the world but keeps herself busy at sharpening her oyster knife. This vigorous image of the author suggests that she is dangerous as well as ready for action. By using this knife metaphor, she shows herself ready to do good for the world.
Hurston comes to know that race affects her life. She concludes her essay on the point that there exists Zora but without race. Now she has become a cosmic Zora who is eager to see what the world has stored for her. She does not have separate feelings for being an American and colored girl. She considers herself a petty part of the Great Soul.
In the end, she described herself as a brown bag of miscellany. She is brown and there are many other color bags. The color cannot be ignored in this special metaphor. The content remains the same in all these bags of different color. She concludes that God randomly stuffed people in this world from the very start. This suggests that everyone in this is essentially the same and the differences among people are nor important at all.